Balanced Labour Market Act (WAB)

Balanced Labour Market Act (WAB)

The WAB of 1 January 2020 regulates the fixed term contracts. This act is the follow-up of the Work and Security Act of 1 January 2015.

The introduction of the Balanced Labour Market Act (WAB) on 1 January 2020 means that new terms of employment apply to your employment contract from this date. In addition to the existing terms of employment in your contract, from 1 January 2020 you will also have the right to the same terms of employment as employees employed directly by the HvA in the same or similar positions.

So HvA JobService tries to align their terms of employment for the employee to those of the Collective Labour Agreement for Universities of Applied Sciences as these may apply from time to time.

As not all of these terms can be practicably implemented and there will always be exceptions, some further rules have been drawn up for the implementation of the WAB. These further rules can be found in Section 8a of the Placement of Personnel by Intermediaries Act (WAADI).

Obligation to notify the intention to terminate/continue a fixed-term contract

For fixed-term contracts of six months or longer, the employer is obliged to inform the employee in writing of whether the contract is to be terminated or continued. This must take place at least one month before the contract ends. If the employer fails to give this one month’s notice and the contract is terminated, the employee is entitled to one month’s salary as compensation. The employee can go to court to claim this compensation within two months of the fixed end date of the contract. For JobService this means that the HvA, or other institution that offered you the position must inform us well in advance about whether or not they require JobService to extend your employment contract.

Term of contract and ketenregeling (provisions on succession of fixed-term contracts)

The term of a contract and the number of successive contracts are subject to certain rules. You can find more information about this under Employment contract.

Transition compensation

Every employee with a service record of at least two years (24 months) who has not yet reached the age at which they are entitled to a state pension (AOW) and who has been dismissed involuntarily and through no fault of their own is entitled to transition compensation. You can find more information about this under Employment contract/Transition compensation.


HvA JobService follows the leave policy of HvA. This also includes parental leave.

Social Security and Unemployment Benefit

You may be entitled to a post-contractual benefit. This benefit is linked to your entitlement to unemployment benefit. If you suffer from a long-term incapacity for work and you meet the required conditions, you are entitled to a non-statutory benefit under the WGA (Return to Work (Partially Disabled Persons) Scheme) shortfall benefit.

See for more information termination of your employment contract